The conference “The first step in science” is designed to form the interest of young people in scientific work.

Conference Objectives

  • Fostering youth interest in scientific research.
  • Preparing talented young people for future scientific work.
  • Equipping young individuals to participate in scientific conferences.
  • Developing students’ understanding of the scientific activities conducted by the departments of Sumy State University.

The conference will be organized around the following topics:

  • Current issues and prospects for the development of modern medicine.
  • Biophysics and food technologies.
  • State and law.
  • Mathematics, mathematical physics, and computer sciences.
  • Nanotechnologies, thin films, and materials science.
  • Optics, electronics, and information technologies.
  • Psychology, political science, and sociocultural technologies.
  • Society, economy, and management.
  • Modern media technologies.
  • Advanced industrial production technologies.
  • Technical physics, transportation, and energy.
  • Universe physics and nuclear physics.
  • Philology in modern society.
  • Modern chemistry.
  • Information security and cybersecurity.